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Temerity Berry

Senior Prevention Specialist

No One Knew How to Help


Temerity Berry was drawn to prevention education early on after several encounters with youth who were written off by adults, rather than helped. She made it her mission to help those who needed it.


Initially, Temerity joined Cape Assist in 2003 as a Community Prevention Specialist, a position she held for six years. She spent a year as the Director of Prevention Services, and has been a Senior Prevention Educator since 2010.


In her current role as Senior Prevention Educator, Temerity supervises the coordination, implementation, and evaluation of multiple grant-funded programs. She also collaborates with local law enforcement and substance abuse treatment agencies in providing community outreach and offering resources to isolated and disengaged members of the community; works with local partners to infuse evidence-based prevention programs and practices into community programs and events; and coordinates and implements a countywide youth taskforce to empower high school students to understand the impact of substance misuse and identify the related risk factors among their peers.


Additionally, Temerity trains community members and families how to identify an opioid overdose and administer Narcan.


Professional Inspiration


Professional inspiration comes to Temerity by “Seeing the adults I have taught and trained connect with the youth they work with and make a difference in the child's life.” She has realized that her “reach” in helping Cape May County youth can be extended even further by teaching and training the adults working directly with the County’s young people.  



Background and Education


Temerity earned dual bachelor of arts degrees in Psychology and Criminal Justice from Stockton University. She also received a certification in Applied Education Neuroscience from Butler University, and is a Certified Prevention Specialist.


Additionally, Temerity has earned certification as a Trainer of Trainers in Youth Mental Health First Aid and is certified in both Youth and Adult Mental Health First Aid. She is a certified facilitator for the WISE Program, Coping with Work and Family Stress, Al’s Pals, and Botvin Life Skills, as well as Iowa and Utah Strengthening Families programs. She is TIPS-certified.


Life’s Passions


Professionally, Temerity is “most passionate about teaching the science of prevention, helping adults infuse prevention strategies into their work with youth, and ensuring everyone has access to all of the resources available when help is needed.” 

Temerity Berry



(609) 522-5960

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