Cape Assist is one of two agencies in the state of New Jersey to be awarded the Coaching Boys Into Men funding to run the program, which helps prepare people in mentorship positions to teach emotional maturity, respect, integrity, and nonviolence to young men.
Coaching Boys Into Men is an evidence-based program designed to help those who are influential figures in young men’s lives make a positive impact on those youth. These figures expand outside of the teachers and coaches title – faith-based leaders, police, youth group facilitators, volunteers, parents, all types of mentors, educators, etc. – anyone who works with or is around youth can benefit from CBIM’s training. These special relationships make them uniquely poised to positively influence how young men think and behave and treat those around them with respect.
The curriculum of CBIM is focused on evidence-based prevention techniques and training mentors to teach the young male youth they work with healthy relationship skills and that violence never equals strength. Training heavily features the prevention of dating violence, and sexual assault, as well as decreases the stigma around Mental Health Challenges. Participants are given the roadmap, by discussion cards provided in the training, to have what are often difficult conversations on topics like Digital Disrespect, Healthy Relationships Dynamics, Consent, Integrity, and Mental Health.
The program is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Rape Prevention Education (RPE) grant funds, administered by the Department of Children and Families, Division on Women.